1 min

Moving Forward

Your angel teams have an important message for you to help you move forward, and release those feelings of 'being stuck'. They now you've been feeling frustrated, and have this to say to assist you...

Your Angels Message:

Are you willing to let it go?

Has holding on helped you, served you in some way?

Has it bought you the joy you long to experience?

After all, this situation only came about as way of helping to bring you to a place of understanding, offering you an experience for your growth and development that you yourself called for from your soul.

It's all OK, you've nothing to feel guilty over.

Guilt never helps, does it?

You are safe, loved, and supported.

We love you beyond love.

Remember your magnificence

Remember you are loved.

Remember you are Love

Your loving angels

©Anayah Joi Holilly

Cert Angel Intuitive 2003

AI advanced training 2006

Angel Heart Radio Founder 2010

Direct angel channel

Voice for the angels