1 min

Keep Dancing in The Light

Keep Dancing in The Light

Loving you and assisting you is a pleasure so deep, so broad, and so beautiful
there are no earthly words to describe how that feels for us, nor
the joy it brings us.

It brings us great joy, each and every time you ask us for assistance,
each and every time you tune in with us, each and every time you think of us.

Keep asking for our support, our assistance and signs and signals
to reassure you of our presence in your life, and of the behind-the-scenes
activity unfolding beyond your conscious awareness as we work on your behalf.

Keep shining - no matter how challenging this may feel for you, as this choice carriers more weight, more light, and is far more important
than you can begin to imagine.

Keep dancing in the Light.

Thank you!

We love you, always.

Your loving angels xo

(c) Anayah Joi Holilly


(c) Anayah Joi Holilly

Author- The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me
- a gift of profound love and wisdom from the angels Available worldwide, and here

* Cert Angel Intuitive 2003

* AI advanced training 2006

* AngelLight777 2007

* Angel Heart Radio Founder 2010

* Faithful Scribe for the angels

* Voice for the angels

* Angel Heart Radio Livestream Presenter


Keep Dancing in The Light Angel Message