2 min

Shifting Energies, Healing, Freedom.

You are in a time of great change, dear and treasured one.

Great change brings with it many shifts in your energy, both inner reflections, and outer experiences, all involving great healing in many forms along all the way.

Encouraging your heart to heal requirers your own permission, as you may feel that to allow healing, to allow closure, is to allow all that has occurred, and your experiences of it, all your pain and hurt, anger and sadness, to simply vanish like mist, and pass away unnoticed, as if it never even occurred, as if you were never even hurt in the first place.

Yet, isn’t this exactly what you pray for? To let it all go? To move beyond it?

To hold on to your pain, to the exeperience and memory of it, is to wrap yourself within the pain, within hurt, and to stay there, all wrapped up in it.

To give your permission to release takes great courage and willingness to heal, to be free, to evolve.

You are free to choose.

Call on us to help and guide you, especially Archangel Azrael, who cradles you, as we all do, each and every moment.

We notice everything, every movement, moment, experience, tear, joy, laugh, uncertainty…

To allow your healing to progress, let the mist simply float away, as if it never existed in the first place.

Peace is your true nature,

Remember your magnificence.


Remember you are loved.

Remember you are love.

Your loving angels xo


©Anayah Joi Holilly

Deep comfort, profound love from the angels in The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me is available worldwide on all your favourite platforms. Search The Angel Code Journey

Audiobook release November 2023!

Published The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me 2020

Cert Angel Intuitive 2003

AI advanced training 2006

AngelLight777 2007

Angel Heart Radio Founder 2010

Voice for the angels

Angel Heart Radio Livestream Presenter


Remember you are love.

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Dare to Shine