Trust Your Sensitivity
This is a message from your angels to help guide you into calmer waters to provide a way out of the confusion you have been experiencing 💗
Your thoughts are like laser beams that when focused, even a little, will bring about more of the calm, love and peace you seek and long for.
The clearer your focus, the clearer the unfolding will be for you, and your experience of it.
The more benevolent your focus, the more balanced, nurturing and exquisite your experiences will be.
Trust your spiritual sensitivity.
Trust in the unfolding.
Trust in the Great Mystery.
You are seeing the situation accurately, so have faith in your own vision.
If you feel unsure, close your eyes and focus on love and blessings unfolding for all involved, including yourself.
Your feelings point the way.
Please, pay attention to them.
Remember you are loved.
Remember you are love. Remember you are love.
Remember your magnificence.
love, your angels xo
© Anayah Joy Holilly All rights reserved
💗 A beautiful message from The Angel Code Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me angels for you
The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me - a gift of profound love and wisdom from the angels. Available worldwide, and here
✨ The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me 2020
✨Cert Angel Intuitive 2003
✨AI advanced training 2006
✨AngelLight777 2007
✨Angel Heart Radio Founder 2010
✨Scribe for the angels
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Remember you are love 💞