Connect with 10 Ascended Masters, personally, powerfully, in a totally NEW way!
A unique look at ten ascended masters, who they were while on the earth plane, and how you can connect, communicate and walk with them - regardless of what your religious, spiritual, or worldviews may, or may not, be.
We can all benefit from a loving relationship with these loving ascended masters as they guide us, leading us ever deeper to experience and share the magnificent love that they embodied while in physical form - and now, in their Divine form.
Join your Hosts Anayah Joi Holilly (AU), Leesa Ellis (NZ), with special guest hosts Mother Mary channel Dannille Gibbons (USA), and Deb Goldberg (USA) on the Mother Mary and Jesus episodes as we share channellings and conversation from each of these 10 wonderful ascended masters.
Another divinely inspired series of programs from the divinely inspired Angel Heart Radio!
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As an Ascended Master, Jesus provides that same Divine love and tender care to all who ask for his assistance. Religious, or not, Jesus gives love and guidance to all who seek Him. A truly compassionate and deeply heart-centred teacher, Jesus offers guidance in modern times too.

The depths of a mother's love know no bounds. The Virgin Mary was the mother of Jesus and her profound love for her son, a true spiritual Master, extends now to all of creation. Mary is known in the astral realms as the "Queen of Angels" and is a spiritual Master in her own right.

Mother Teresa walked the earth as a woman of devotion and service to relieving the burdens of the poor. She lived in poverty because of her vows as a devout nun but was an incredible manifestor and fundraiser on behalf of the needy through her deep and all-encompassing love for Creator / God. A beautiful episode of inspiration!

Deeply devoted, Patron Saint of ecology, inspiration to thousands, claimed by people of all faiths as well. St. Francis of Assisi is the featured ascended master on this episode. Learn more about St Francis of Assisi and would you like to hear more, and experience a beautiful guided inner wisdom meditation.

Gautama Buddha (or Buddha) is an Ascended Master who changed the world for so many. We discuss his teachings and how we can apply them in our modern daily lives for deep transformation and true peace. Learn more through conversation and channeling on this enlightening show. Feel the peace of the Buddha's loving energies!

Kwan Yin, bringer of mercy and compassion, love and support, will comfort you and bestow mercy beyond the bounds of what is called for by human justice. She will wipe away your tears and offer you her deepest compassion. She is a beautiful being of light and now you can learn all about her, and how to connect and work with her.

Solomon walked the earth as a powerful King of Israel, The son of King David. He is famously noted for his wisdom and material riches, manifesting goods and support from people and leaders around the world. His judgement in matters between his subjects have passed down through the ages and are well-known today. Solomon was a great sage and poet, truly gifted with words.

Padre Pio was a 20th century friar, mystic, and priest. He has much to teach us as an Ascended Master about trust and surrender, qualities we can learn from him, and hone in order to bring much more peace and fulfillment int our daily lives. We explore that he was also famous for being a stigmatist - he bore the signs of stigmata or bleeding, thought to be given to him by God.

The Light of Peace On World Events. There would be few of us who do not desire peace - world peace, peace in the home, peace in relationships and more. Kuan Ti was a Chinese Han Dynasty General who learned to use strategies to avoid conflict instead of embracing war, and is now an Ascended Master. An enlightening message of the peaceful path from one who came to this understanding in his own time.

Ascended Master St. Germain is the Chohan ("Leader") of the 7th Ray - the Violet Ray. The 7th Ray is the ray of alchemy, change, magic, and transmutation are not for the chosen few, but rather for us all to embrace and be inspired by every day! The Violet Flame of St. Germain is an incredible healing energy that we will share with you on this episode with our special guest co-host Tim Ray!

Amy - USA
"The Angel Code: Journey Into the Words Whispered to Me has become a favourite window seat read, a place to return when I feel a little lost, a little disconnected, a little in need of wisdom and a dose of joy."

Bel - AU
"I have been using The Angel Code, Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me like oracle cards, and opening to where I feel drawn. It’s beautiful!"

Vicki - AU
"The Angel Code Journey is a timeless treasure! t’s something that can be picked up and turned to any page at any given time and deliver results from the angels"

Bel -UK
"This book is just awesomely amazing. The angels are truly truly here now to help and guide us through these times, towards a world of love, peace and ultimate togetherness as human beings. Of that I have no doubt."

*representative picture
Shelia - USA
"An uplifting book filled with the wisdom and love of the angelic realm.
I can feel the high vibrations of love and patience our dear guardian angels have for us. Thank you Anayah, It is much needed at this time"