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- Angel Guidance/Reading
I’m here to help you deeply connect with your angels, and their loving support for you in every stage of your life - No matter what may be occurring, or what challenges you may be facing, your angels are with you and ready to support you. An Angel Session can help you grow your own Angel Connection, and bring you messages from your angels, specific to your life and journey ✨💞🪽

Amy - USA
"The Angel Code: Journey Into the Words Whispered to Me has become a favourite window seat read, a place to return when I feel a little lost, a little disconnected, a little in need of wisdom and a dose of joy."

Bel - AU
"I have been using The Angel Code, Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me like oracle cards, and opening to where I feel drawn. It’s beautiful!"

Vicki - AU
"The Angel Code Journey is a timeless treasure! t’s something that can be picked up and turned to any page at any given time and deliver results from the angels"

Bel -UK
"This book is just awesomely amazing. The angels are truly truly here now to help and guide us through these times, towards a world of love, peace and ultimate togetherness as human beings. Of that I have no doubt."

*representative picture
Shelia - USA
"An uplifting book filled with the wisdom and love of the angelic realm.
I can feel the high vibrations of love and patience our dear guardian angels have for us. Thank you Anayah, It is much needed at this time"