2 min

You Are Not Alone, Unloved, or Helpless. Trust Is Called For

There is much more to what's occurring than you realise. Read what your angels want you to know to help you through this time, and to help you see how supported you are, and where your strengths truly are.

Your Angel Message

Just as in the theater, much activity occurs behind the scenes, unobserved by the audience.

This is the way it is for you right now, and we want to reassure you to have trust and keep the faith in your Divine Plan.

Know that harmony truly resides beyond the seeming barriers, and that all is indeed in alignment for you, no matter the outward appearances, or how things may seem to you at this time.


Keep your focus tuned into the 'positive' channel, no matter how tempted you are to count your worries, wring your hands, or cry and despair.

Connecting, focusing, and streaming light and love into this channel expands it, grows it, as it does you and your energy field. This is your choice, only you have the power to choose this for yourself.


Activate it, draw from it, share it, focus upon it. All these choices make a difference, to you, and to the entire planet and beyond.

Others are also choosing to activate their power of choice in this way. These individual light-choices band together, creating slipstreams of Sparkling Light that travel far beyond what you are capable of imagining.



Focusing on your worries and all those 'what-if's' will not help you nor serve you well.

Trust that all is in alignment, and that this divine alignment is serving you in the highest ways possible.

Trust is called for.

See through eyes of love, compassion, and again, trust.


All is unfolding for you, and we are with you.

You are already fully capable.

We are your guides, your guardians, your loving teammates.

Remember your magnificence

Remember you are loved.

Remember you are Love

Your loving angels

©Anayah Joi Holilly

Learn more about The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me - gift of profound love and wisdom from the angels. Available worldwide on all your favourite platforms #TheAngelCodeJourney Share your experience

✨Author The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me

✨Cert Angel Intuitive 2003

✨AI advanced training 2006

✨Angel Heart Radio Founder 2010

✨Faithful Scribe for the angels

✨Voice for the angels

✨Angel Heart Radio Livestream Presenter

Today's featured artist is Kat Zaphire© Featured with written permission

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Keep your good vibe flowing!

The Angel Code

Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me -

The angel code is nondenominational, it’s embrace encompasses each and every person, everywhere, as one family. Love, Anayah 💗

You are loved.

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