Angelic Vibrations
This is a message from your angels to help you tune into their love and support, and help you to feel more at peace and balanced along your path.
Angel Message
These are very wise words, intended for you, and have angelic origins:
Breathe in our love, feel our angelic embrace, know we are with you. The more you can take these small steps consistently, the more you will feel at peace and the more you will see the solutions that are already present
Remember your magnificence
Remember you are loved.
Remember you are Love
Your loving angels
You and your loved ones are safe,.
Trust, our dearest Dear... Trust.
Remember your magnificence
Remember you are loved.
Remember you are Love
Your loving angels
(C) Anayah Joi Holilly
🌟 The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me is a gift of profound love and wisdom from the angels. Are you ready? Available worldwide learn more here
Author The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me
Cert Angel Intuitive 2003
AI advanced training 2006
Angel Heart Radio Founder 2010
Faithful Scribe for the angels
Voice for the angels
Angel Heart Radio Livestream Presenter
Remember you are love.
*Everything on is under © and not to be copied or
reproduced in any way without written consent.
Your respect is valued and appreciated. Love, Anayah xo
Keep your good vibe flowing!
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