Time To Celebrate Your Capabilities
Your angels have further guidance for you to celebrate - even though you might feel there is cause for it, go ahead and celebrate anyway! Your angels message follows... Your Angel Message Celebrate your capabilities beautiful and loving being! To celebrate anything less is of course your free will right ...though not a reflection of your worth or capabilities. Invite the children into your arms, your heart, your magical energy field to sing and dance and play right along with you. There can be no separation. Teach them about their own choices and how best to make them a reflection of their own power-full, joy-full, love-filled intention for their own highest good. Teach by dong, teach All are One.
Each choice made is a drop in the ocean of humanity, every drop an inter gram part of the whole, none separate, none unimportant, each and every drop significant, needed and vital. To bathe in the Light of Love is the most power-full act of All.
Remember your magnificence
Remember you are loved.
Remember you are Love
Your loving angels
*A note from Anayah*
There are lots of beautiful, free energy clearing MP3's with the angels to help you feel instantly feel clearer, refreshed, and rejuvenated. Click here to experience them for yourself xo
©Anayah Joi Holilly
Cert Angel Intuitive 2003
AI advanced training 2006
Angel Heart Radio Founder 2010
Direct angel channel
Voice for the angels

*Everything on AngelLight777.com is under © and not to be copied or
reproduced in any way without written consent.
Your respect and integrity for Copyright is expected, valued, and appreciated.
Love, Anayah xo

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