Romantic Love
The angels beautiful message to you about romantic love, and how to open to receiving 💗
As you give to yourself, you attract the energy of being gifted.
Kindness, love, tenderness, caring, support-in-action, all these qualities you so desire, must first be born from within, to experience them in your outer world.
This includes the love, kindness, tenderness, balance and support-in-action you have prayed for in romantic energy, love, gestures, time and generosity, to enter your life In the ways you long for.
It matters not whether you are currently in a relationship, or visualizing being in one, the first and most important relationship to attend to is the relationship you have with yourself.
Please, do not mistake this for some lofty ideal of the ‘perfect you’.
You are already perfectly you, divinely designed, unique and more magnificent than you can imagine. We simply ask that you love you, exactly as you already are.
Then, and only will you be prepared for the depth of love you dream of to present itself to you.
Romantic love is in the wings.
Are you ready for it to evolve?
Be open to receiving - first from yourself - as well as giving to, and receiving from, others.
Remember your magnificence.
Remember you are loved.
Remember you are love.
Your loving angels xo
✨ Experience deep comfort, profound love from the angels with The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me NOW available!
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✨The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me published 2020
✨Cert Angel Intuitive 2003
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✨AngelLight777 2007
✨Angel Heart Radio Founder 2010
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Remember you are love.
©Anayah Joi Holilly

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