✨ The Greatest Love Story✨
You are part of the greatest love-story ever told.
Trust in this.
Trust in the greatest love that has ever existed…for this is the love in which you have been purposely created.
Trust that you are safe, loved, and part of a divine, beyond-all-human-understanding purpose, that is indeed already in motion.
Trust in the greatest Love that has ever existed…for this is the Love your Creator has for you. Trust in this. Trust in yourself.
Trust in us, we, your blessed and loving angels, we are emissaries of this great love for you, we are divine reflections mirroring this magnificence, and so much more, to you, and for you.
The more you ask for our loving support, the more deeply you will feel us in your lives, often, working beyond your conscious reasoning, and always on your behalf.
Each time you feel fear, call upon us to help you through it.
Each time you feel uncertain, call upon us to help you through it.
Each time you feel adrift, call upon us to help you through that.
Each time you feel surety, call upon us to support you to feel more of that.
Each time you feel love, call upon us to help you expand that.
Each time you feel your divine purpose calling to you, in whatever form it may take in that moment, act on it, embrace it, enjoy it, live it, love it.
Peace is your true nature, remember this, trust this.
Remember your magnificence.
Remember you are loved.
Remember you are love.
Your loving angels xo
©Anayah Joi Holilly 2021
✨Experience deep the angels profound love and wisdom in The Angel Code Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me 💗 #theangelcodejourney
*Available worldwide.
🔅The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me published 2020
🔅Cert Angel Intuitive 2003
🔅AI advanced training 2006
🔅AngelLight777 2007
🔅Angel Heart Radio Founder 2010
🔅Voice for the angels
🔅Angel Heart Radio Livestream Presenter
Remember you are love.

*Image credit: Mysticsartdesign https://pixabay.com/users/mysticsartdesign-322497/ 🙏