💫There Is Always More - Choose to Shine
There is always more: More love, more growth, more abundance, more peace, more love, more beauty, more depth, more magnificence.
There is always more.
There is always more for those who seek, are open, who are willing.
We are your guides, your faithful companions.
Beauty unfolds, love expands.
To place yourself on this pathway, simply be willing, and more will follow. There is always more.
Twisted though your path may seem at times, those twists and turns will reveal much to you along the way, and will never stop your growth or personal expansion, for each opportunity you are presented with holds many gifts, many treasures, hidden though they may be, they exist nonetheless.
There is always more. There is always more love, more love, more love.
It is all yours, and no matter the path you choose, no matter the bends, valleys, gullies or mountains that may present themselves along the way, each one a is a purposeful teacher, each one a treasure-chest, overflowing with abundance and blessings.
We are your guides, your faithful companions.
Take the time to go within. You will find us, feel us, for we are closer than your breath, as constant as your heartbeat.
There is always more.
There is always more.
There is always more.
Peace is your true nature.
Remember your magnificence.
Remember you are loved.
Remember you are love.
Your loving angels xo
©Anayah Joi Holilly 2021
✨Experience deep the angels deep comfort and profound love in The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me 💗 #theangelcodejourney
*Available worldwide.
🔅The Angel Code - Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me published 2020
🔅Cert Angel Intuitive 2003
🔅AI advanced training 2006
🔅AngelLight777 2007
🔅Angel Heart Radio Founder 2010
🔅Voice for the angels
🔅Angel Heart Radio Livestream Presenter
Remember you are love.

*Image credit: Mysticsartdesign @ Pixabay.com