Fragments, Echoes, Profound Beauty
As your constant companions, your angels are charged with the joy of supporting you, encouraging you, revealing information and each step to you, and as they fulfil their purpose, they overflow with love and joy. You angels message follows... 🦋
The beauty of you, of who you are in Divine Truth is revealed to you little by little, echo by echo, fragment by beautiful fragment.
Take each and every moment of revelation into your heart where it expands and influences yours choices, decisions, understanding, actions.
Remember you are loved.
Remember you are love.
Remember your magnificence.
love, your angels xo
💗 20 years in the making, THE ANGEL CODE -Journey Into The Words Whispered To Me is Available Now! Learn more here
Author THE ANGEL CODE - upcoming
Cert Angel Intuitive 2003
AI advanced training 2006
Angel Heart Radio Founder 2010
Faithful Scribe for the angels
Voice for the angels
International Best Seller on Amazon co-author in ‘Gateway To An Enlightened World: Collective Life Lessons To Support Planetary Transformation’
Remember are love.

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